Ms. Frizzle welcomes students onto The Magic School Bus for a field trip.
- Words of Wisdom: Ms. Frizzle rarely went through a field trip without telling her students to “take chances, make mistakes, and get messy”. It’s crucial to encourage students to take risks in their exploration, and to communicate that mistakes can be a positive part of learning. And students should especially be messy after playing and learning outdoors!
- Inquiry-Based Teaching: Although students ask questions throughout each field trip, Ms. Frizzle refrains from giving many direct answers. As a result, students are challenged to investigate and solve problems as a class. She acts as a facilitator of inquiry, allowing students to formulate relevant questions and guiding them to discovery and understanding.
- Inspiration: Ms. Frizzle approaches each lesson with zest, and is truly fascinated by science. Her enthusiasm transfers to the students, who become engaged and active participants in the lessons. As a student there’s nothing worse than your teacher being bored!
- Community of Care: The students are not always excited about wild adventurous field trips. Ms. Frizzle manages to push students to embrace new experiences and meet challenges, without dismissing their concerns. Additionally, because of the caring environment created by Ms. Frizzle, students will often help each other overcome their discomfort.
- Fashion. It’s definitely a nerdier style, but her outfits are fantastic. I mean, her dress and earrings always match the topic. Brilliant.
I recently completed my Master of Environmental Education program and had the privilege of studying with and learning from incredible real-life Ms. Frizzles. There are many ways to be an outstanding teacher, and Ms. Frizzle embodies just a few of them. Today (but really everyday) we celebrate all the amazing teachers and educators whose impact is truly beyond measure. Thank you for your long days and dedication to students, your work is admirable and inspiring!
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How to Celebrate